Chablis vingård

Følg Liora Levi, sommelier og journalist, gjennom hennes reise i Chablis sine vingårder. Oppdag de fire appellasjonsnivåene, terroiret, ..

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Chablis, en vin til mat

Chablis-viner passer fantastisk til typiske norske sjømatretter, men ikke bare til disse! Gjennom denne videoen inviterer Liora Levi oss til å tenke ..

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The Women and Men of Chablis

Wine has been produced in the Bourgogne region of Chablis for centuries, with know-how being handed down over centuries. Some wine producers ..

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Les Femmes et les Hommes de Chablis

A Chablis en Bourgogne la viticulture existe depuis plusieurs siècles, le savoir-faire se transmet à travers le temps, de génération ..

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The 2020 vintage in Chablis

The 2020 vintage was remarkably early, and this pace continued throughout the growth cycle. A period of drought during the summer also had an influence ..

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